Opportunities for Youths in Seed Potato Production

Cuttings in a glass house undergoing rapid multiplication.

NPCK has embarked on a mission to sensitize and support youths on the various business opportunities along the potato value chain. One such mission took place on 10th May 2019 at KALRO Tigoni with an aim of showcasing some of the new technologies in potato seed production that can be of interest to the youths. The potato sector has witnessed seed shortages thus making it essential to tap new ways and methods of efficient seed production. Aeroponics and sandponics were some of new methods of seed production showcased at Tigoni. Aeroponics is a seed cultivation technique in which the roots hang suspended in the air while nutrient solution is delivered to them in form of a fine mist. Sandponics on the other hand utilizes sand as the growth media. The youths were also taken through Rooted Apical Cuttings Technology which is a seed technology integrating the use of seedlings raised in the nursery to produce high quality seed potato.  In this technology, seedlings are produced vegetatively and raised from tissue culture. After 2-3 weeks the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the field for further production of mini-tubers. The harvested mini-tubers are disease free and high quality that can be sold to various seed multipliers.

Embracing of these new technologies will not only help reduce the deficit in quality seed potato but will also provide business opportunities to the youth in the country. NPCK is committed to supporting the youth in the potato sub-sector.

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