Value Chain Support Department
The Value Chain Support Department is designed to cater to the specific needs of stakeholders and provide services by the Council. It is through this department that the council interacts on a personal level with each stakeholder. The department will also play a key role in arbitrating conflicts among stakeholders or between a specific stakeholder and the council. All membership needs are addressed through this department. The department operates programs that aim to organize actors into structured groups for collective input sourcing and marketing, efficient and cost-effective training, information dissemination, and linkages. The department is in charge of market linkages, value addition, and quality standards.
The department is mandated to handle various activities, including potato production, marketing, and the provision of after-sales service. It is also designated to analyze specific value chain needs and interact with NPCK member organizations and stakeholders to ensure that the necessary interventions are adopted. The department supports improving businesses of seed and ware potato, and links farmers, traders, input and service providers, potato buyers, processors, and other value chain actors. It creates necessary linkages, helps farmers access structured markets, helps buyers access quality potatoes throughout the year at competitive prices, and also helps to establish authorized certification, efficacy trials, and linkages to soil testing units. The department assists individual companies and members in addressing any challenges and/or adopting technologies and innovations that can improve their businesses.