About Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

State Corporation established under the KALR Act, No 17 of 2013, with the aim of restructuring agricultural and livestock research into a dynamic, innovative, responsive and well-coordinated system driven by a common vision and goal (www.kalro.org)


Climate-smart adaptive technologies for sustainable production and postharvest management and utilization of ware potato in Kenya

Area/County of coverage

Uasin Gishu,

Elgeyo Marakwet



January 2020 – December 2021


1. Evaluate and upscale integrated soil, water, pest and disease management technologies and practices in potato production

2. Validate and transfer improved post harvest ware potato management and utilization technologies

3. Introduce and validate mechanized potato production and handling technologies

4. Improve and integrate interactive ICT applications in potato production and marketing


  • Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
  • University of Nairobi
  • Moi University
  • University of Eldoret

Funding partners

IDA & the Gok

Project Activities

Integrating legumes in potato production systems for improved soil nutrient and water uptake efficiency and erosion control

Integrating novel varieties in management of bacterial wilt, potato cyst nematodes and foliar diseases

Integrated management of aphids and potato tuber moth in farmers’ production and storage settings

Project News/Achievements

Project is newly launched

 Link To other details/read more

Collaborating with National Potato Council of Kenya & Sereni Fries Limited