Drip irrigation used on a potato farm. In this method ,water application efficiency is high when managed correctly and fertilizer and nutrient loss is minimized due to a localized application and reduced leaching.

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Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) is an integrated approach with three sustainable development dimensions (economic, social and environmental) which jointly address food security and climate challenges. The aim of adopting CRA practices in potato production is to increase potato productivity and household incomes; strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and livelihoods to climate change; and reduce GHGs. It takes into consideration context-specific and locally-adapted actions and interventions along the entire potato value chain. Any threat to potato, is a threat to food security, household incomes and the economy of Kenya. Majority of farm families are dependent on potatoes and so they are exposed to the risks of climate change. Climate change threat will also make Kenya not to achieve its development goals like the Big Four Agenda, Kenya Vision 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2, 3, 5, 12 &13.

The CRA approach requires using a cost-effective package or integrated crop management practices, technologies and approaches that increase potato productivity per unit area, enhance resilience and/or adaptation and mitigation to climate change simultaneously. CRA for potato production includes site selection (altitude, temperature and soils); crop management practices (Sustainable land preparation, timely planting, use of improved varieties, manure application, lime, appropriate inorganic and application rates, weed management, earthing up and crop rotation); conservation agriculture (no till, reduced number of tillage, mulching and cover crops); intercropping (diversification, crop rotation); integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) such as use of pest and disease resistant varieties, cultural control methods (field sanitation practices, field scouting) ;agroforestry; water management (harvesting, irrigation); terracing; seed potato bulking; post-harvest management (improved packaging, transportation, sorting and grading, drying and curing, storage facility, value addition; information access (weather, market, extension); crop insurance; credit access; gender equality; agro-biodiversity conservation renewable energy (sustainable improved charcoal like briquettes, improved cook stoves, fireless cookers, solar and Biogas). 

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