Workshop participants at the field analyzing the yield level of the hybrid true potato seed
Solynta Ltd and key stakeholders held a workshop on True Potato Seeds in September 2022.
Despite potato occupying a prime position in terms of contribution to food security, poverty eradication, and economic development in Kenya, it faces a huge challenge in meeting its full potential. One of the key bottlenecks in the potato industry is the shortage of quality seeds. In addition to the great efforts being made by the government, KEPHIS and other partners to increase the number of seed potato producers and registered varieties other efforts being undertaken include the introduction of new technologies and innovations in seed production with the recent introduction being (Hybrid) True Potato Seed system which has a high potential for transforming the industry. The technology has been successfully piloted in some African countries such as Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. This system has proven that it does not only lead to less transmission of diseases and higher yields, but also implies significantly lower transport costs, low handling hustles and an accelerated capacity to breed high-yielding and disease resistant varieties.
The main objective of the workshop was to enlighten key institutions about True potato Seeds Technology and the potential benefits of adoption. The participants included KEPHIS, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives (MOALFC), NPCK, STAK and Plant breeders Association of Kenya, KALRO and NPT committee.