When it comes to certified seed potato, there are very clear guidelines from KEPHIS on how to produce and market them and this is anchored on the law. Seed potato out-growers are supposed to follow guidelines provided by the sponsoring seed merchant as per the regulations.  This is mainly to ensure that when farmers buy certified seed potato they get value for their money and the reputation of certified seed is maintained.

Following the previous concerns raised by farmers and stakeholders questioning the quality of seeds and cuttings sold by Wanfa Technologies Ltd, who has been producing seeds under KALRO’s license, and in the spirit of protecting farmers against seed of questionable quality, it is important to note that KALRO has withdrawn their license cover for Wanfa Technology Ltd due to breach of guidelines.

NPCK would therefore wish to inform all farmers, partners and other stakeholders that henceforth, Wanfa Technologies Ltd has been delisted from list of registered seed potato and cuttings producers, multipliers and suppliers.  Until officially cleared, any purchase of seed potato or cuttings from the above mentioned company is at your Own Risk. You are also advised to refer to NPCK’s or KEPHIS’s Website for cuttings and seed potato growers who are registered and approved.







Wanfa Technology Logo: The company has been delisted from list of registered seed potato and cuttings producers, multipliers and supplier in the country. Until officially cleared, any purchase of seed potato or cuttings from the above mentioned company is at your Own Risk.

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