Delegates following proceedings keenly during the presentation of the Nakuru draft Potato Strategy at ATC Soilo on 2nd April 2019.
National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) continues to partner with county governments and other potato industry players to develop County Potato Strategies that are customized to suit each county’s uniqueness and address specific challenges and constraints in the counties while taking advantage of the existing and untapped potentials. The County Strategies will help in harmonizing the potato activities in the county and transform the subsector for the benefit of all players,
The strategies are at different development stages for the different counties. The draft Nakuru strategy was presented to stakeholders. In Elgeyo Marakwet County the draft strategy has been developed while In Nyeri County the zero draft Strategy is currently being developed. In Bungoma County a potato suitability map has been successfully developed.
Written by: Samuel Ngari, Policy, Lobby and Advocacy Dept. NPCK