The potato value chain consists of several parties I.e., input suppliers, farmers and marketing actors (brokers, agents, transporters, traders, retailers and processors). Evidently, the marketing actors occupy a significant role in the value chain which is not a necessarily positive thing in the value chain specifically for the farmers. The marketing practices have been termed as cartel-like according to an article posted by USAID. Through this, farmers get low returns for their products where their low bargaining power does not help the situation. 

The incorporation of digital marketing in the value chain could potentially eliminate several limitations specifically in the marketing structure. This would work by linking the farmers directly to market outlets, thereby eliminating the gap between the farmers and the market. The market outlet is, therefore, able to source potatoes from target farmers whether in the vicinity or outside their geographical proximity, the upside being the potatoes are either acquired from the farmer or a specific marketing agent. This will get rid of the excessive number of players encompassed in the marketing actors leading to predictable prices, adequate access to market information, enforcement of standards on quality and most importantly adequate pay to the farmers.

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