Structured involvement of smallholder farmers in agricultural production, which is the backbone to the Kenyan economy, is key in ensuring self-employment, job creation, and investment in rural communities. However, smallholder farmers are usually constrained by a number of challenges and risks in the production and marketing process.
One way of supporting this key actors to maximize their full potential is having them organized into groups that will thus amplify their voices and also increase their market bargaining power, ensure access to resources, information, credit facilities, technology, and more market opportunities. As part of achieving this, a potato stakeholder workshop was organized through the GIZ & IPM Cooperation Project at Royal Garden on 26th July 2023, Olkalau, Nyandarua County. The workshop aimed at discussing and exploring mechanisms and opportunities for enhancing sustainable smallholder potato marketing groups in potato-producing counties. Among the participants were Nyandarua and Bungoma counties’ agriculture and cooperative departments, NPCK, Equity Bank, Yara Fertilizer, Smart Aggregator, Riari AgriHub, Mechanization Ring, and farmer representatives, among others.