Quality Control and Tracking of Certified Seeds

The sample of Standard Packaging Bags for Seeds

Seed quality assurance is an important aspect of seed potato production, storage and distribution. A good quality seed potato has a potential of increasing yield by 30 to 50 per cent compared to “recycled” seeds. In the recent past, a number of clients have complained of buying disease infected certified seed potato, wrongly labelled certified varieties and seeds with mixed sizes from seed merchants. These calls for adoption of quality control mechanisms and traceability systems in the industry. Among the action points agreed upon during the previous national seed potato stakeholders meeting was; introduction and adoption of standard packaging bag for seed and use of scratch labels. This will enhance quality control, traceability and also distinction of certified seed from other alternative seeds traded in the market. It will eliminate the unscrupulous practice of conmen who buy a few good certified seed and mix them with ware potato to pass as certified seed potato. The Potato Council and seed producers are in the process of introducing standardized bags and scratch labels into the seed potato industry. 

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