The participants having a photo session

NPCK convened a processors’ meeting on 16th February 2023, at the NPCK offices, at KALRO Kabete. Key issues discussed during the meeting include; unstable prices of ware potatoes, inconsistency in supply, and quality management. Possible solutions for persisting challenges were aired out for action. Participants acknowledged the steady expansion of the industry despite the escalating bottlenecks hampering the growth of businesses. This thus informed the need for collective efforts in solution search to ensure a self-sustaining industry.

During the meeting, NPCK appreciated processors for their role in offering market to farmers. It was concluded that for the industry to achieve its great potential, there is need for enhanced partnership and collaboration in addressing such challenges and streamlining supply and marketing activities. The KEBS notification (KS EAS 775: 2012 Production and Handling of fresh ware potatoes, KS EAS 777: 2012 Reduction of acrylamide in potato products) were reviewed during the meeting for any further comments before the adoption of the standards.

The participants present were; Kuku Foods, Njoro Canning, simplifine, sereni fries, Kevian Kenya, wedgehuts, Tropical Heat, Propack, Viazikings, Mtawali Holdings, and AHK Services E.A. Ltd, NPCK. 


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