The Nyandarua County government in partnership with NPCK has formed and launched a Nyandarua County Potato Coordinating Unit, whose responsibilities include overseeing the implementation of the county’s potato strategy and coordinating potato activities in the county. The unit will collaborate and work with other potato players in the county with an aim of sharing information, planning and harmonizing subsector initiatives. The unit consists of farmers’ representatives, county officials from department of agriculture, nutrition, legal, Agricultural Mechanization Service (AMS), KEPHIS, KALRO and a youthful farmer representative. The members met on 19th June 2019 in Ol’Kalou where they discussed and affirmed their terms of references and roles. The Coordinating Unit is currently developing an implementation matrix.
Mr. Wachira Kaguongo, NPCK CEO, addressing members of the newly formed Nyandarua Potato County Coordinating Unit.