Request for exemption of cess on seed potato

Cess is a charge levied by county governments on agricultural produce at barrier points mainly found at county exit and entry points. In the potato sub-sector, access to certified seed potato has been a challenge to majority of smallholder farmers. Seed potato also needs special handling and distribution system making it relatively expensive and out of reach of many farmers. Additional charges in the form of cess on certified seed potato increases the cost of seed further reducing the affordability of the vital input. To address this, NPCK working with STAK, ASNET and other member association has been lobbying for the exemption of the cess by the county governments through various meeting with relevant institutions.  It is expected that counties will consider this and improve accessibility and use of quality seeds.

Photo:A well sprouted seed potato: Additional charges in the form of cess on certified seed potato increases the cost of seed further reducing the affordability of the vital input.

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