World Potato Congress is a non-profit organization supported by a group of volunteer directors representing potato jurisdictions around the world. Congress Events are hosted in partnership with local host committees. It is a premier global networking organization which creates opportunities by facilitating communication and information sharing on all aspects of the potato industry throughout the world potato community. Delegates represent industry sectors in both developed countries and countries with developing potato industries.
In 1993 the first edition of the World Potato Congress was held in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, Canada. This initiative to gather potato professionals from all over the world was a success from the start, illustrating that all links of the global potato chain felt the need to meet, share ideas and knowledge promoting the potato. The World Potato Congress marked its 25th anniversary in 2018.
Since its first congress, World Potato Congress Inc. has developed its strategy in order to become a global potato organization being a major driver to promote the potato crop and consumption in the developed as well as in the developing countries. The UN International Year of the Potato in 2008 highlighted the potential of this wonderful, healthy and versatile staple food.
In 2019 December, NPCK’s CEO, Mr. Wachira Kaguongo, was appointed by WPC as one of its international advisors.
NPCK, MoALF&C, CIP, KALRO, AFA, Sygenta, Kevian, Bayer, ASNET, PCPB, and KenInvest have been holding meetings aimed at planning for a successful bid for 2026 WPC. By hosting this world event, Kenya’s potato sector would receive worldwide exposure attracting foreign investment and partnerships in the potato sector. This would not only be a boost in potato industry in Kenya but the whole of Africa.
Kenya is a leading destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the region, as evidenced by multinational companies that have set up their African headquarters in Kenya. The immediate priority of the Kenya Government is the Big 4 Agenda that focuses on Manufacturing, Universal Healthcare, Food Security and Affordable Housing sectors to spur the economy by the year 2022. These sectors provide many opportunities that investors can take advantage of either alone or in partnership with Kenyan private sector.
Kenya’s economy continues to experience robust growth, at an average of 5.6% over the last 10 years and the Government is continuously reviewing its investment environment to ensure that businesses that are located in the country maximize their return on investment, and make the country desirable for potential investors.
Hosting the Congress in Kenya will provide a platform for high level continental officials to track oversight and take stock of the implementation of developmental priorities including Agenda 2063: ‘The Africa We Want’, The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). It will provide a platform for business networking for delegates and business representatives’ global/regional value chain actors. The congress will make it cheaper for delegates from the region to attend and create business opportunities for venue and service providers and foreign exchange from expected 500 foreign delegates who are expected to spend a minimum of USD 2,000 each.