Commodity and county association leaders developing strategies for service delivery
On 9th and 10th February 2023 the Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF) held a Service and Business Development Workshop at the KENAFF HQ Thogoto. The main aim of the event was to do a situation analysis of both county and commodity associations, have clarity on services offered, and identify gaps that could be tapped into for better performance and enhanced service delivery. The participants were able to develop strategies on market linkages, value addition, and proposal writing, among other key issues. The meeting also enabled the participants to define a clear way forward, ranging from farmer groupings, training on quality of production, and extension service. The leaders were also trained on performance indicators and how monitoring and evaluation could be done to ensure rapid growth and changes at the respective association levels. In attendance were NPCK, KENAFA (Kenya National Fisherfolk Association).