The National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and a multi-stakeholder organization whose responsibility is to help plan, organize and co-ordinate potato value chain activities with the aim of developing the subsector into a robust, competitive, and self-regulating industry. The NPCK was registered as a company limited by guarantee and incorporated under the Company’s Act Cap 486, Laws of Kenya, in August 2010, and launched on 25 November 2010. NPCK office is located at KALRO Kabete Campus off Waiyaki way.


The board is constituted of  representatives from the private sector who are not less than 60% and from public institutions of National and County governments who are not more than 40% as per the following member categories:

Private institutions/ Associations

  1. Seed potato producers (Association or representative of seed producers)
  2. Potato Farmer Association (Representative of potato farmer association/ cooperatives/ groups)
  3. Traders association (Association or Representative of potato traders)
  4. Processors (Association or Representative of potato processors)
  5. A representative from Service and input providers in the potato industry
  6. Representatives from private research and professionals in the potato industry
  7. Non- governmental organizations in support of the potato subsector

Public institutions

  1. National government representative from the ministry of agriculture
  2. Government agencies- KALRO, KEPHIS, KEBS, ADC, AFA, public research, and any other
  3. County government representative in charge of agriculture representing potato producing counties from Rift valley and West of Rift Valley
  4. County government representative in charge of agriculture representing potato producing counties from East of Rift Valley

The success of NPCK is also made possible by a strong team of the following Board Members and Staff:

    1. Board Members
    • Prof John Nderitu-Board Chairman and Representative from private research and professionals in potato industry
    • Mr.David Maingi- Board Treasurer and Seed potato producers (Association or representative of seed producers)
    • Mr.Wachira Kaguongo- Board Secretary and CEO, National Potato Council of Kenya
    • Mr.Douglas K. Kangi- Director of Crop Resources, Agribusiness and Market Development (MoALF)
    • Dr. Mwenda Mailutha-Farmers Association Representative (CEO KENAFF)
    • Mr. SK Manene-State Department for Crops Development representative (Potato Liason Officer (MoALD))
    • Ms.Judy Ogemma ( Agricultural Development Corporation)- Representative from the Government agencies
    • Mr.Chris Marete- Representative of potato farmer association/ cooperatives/ groups(Chairman Meru Potato Unions)
    • Mr.Eddy Mburu-Potato Traders Association representative (Chairman Wakulima Market)
    • Mr.Humphrey Mburu-Potato Processors Representative. (Sereni Fries)
    • Edwin Seronei Kibe-Elgeyo Marakwet Representative (CECM Elgeyo Marakwet)
    • Francis Miringu Nyandarua County Representative (CECM Nyandarua County)
    • Dr. Paul Rono Principal Secretary PS Crop Department (MoALD)


    • Mr.Kimani Rugendo-Ex Official

    Our Team

    The Potato Council has a dedicated team of staff who are working hard towards the realization of the company’s objectives. Their qualifications, training, and experiences match very well with their positions which enable smooth and efficient performances of the subsector’s diverse activities. The company also provides opportunities for internships to students to train with us every three months. The interns get exposed to diverse hands-on training which equips them with the essential skills and knowledge crucial in the potato subsector.

Staff Members

Mr. Wachira Kaguongo-CEO, National Potato Council of Kenya

Research and Development Department

Grace Dama-Research and Development Officer

Nehemiah Karanja-Research and Development Intern

Value Chain Department

Henry Chemjor- Value Chain Manager

Patrick Ming’ai – Value chain Officer

Policy and Partnership Department

Jack Odhiambo – Policy, and Partnership Officer

Liaison, Partnership, and Communication Department

Boaz Oyamo – ICT Officer

Timothy Wachira – ICT Officer

Finance and Administration

Milkah Kimani-Head of Finance and Administration Department.

Christina Nduku – Finance and Administration Officer

Geoffrey Angukwa-Office Assistant