Potato cultivation usually involves intensive soil tillage throughout the cropping period which often leads to soil degradation, erosion and leaching of nitrates. During soil preparation, the entire topsoil is loosened particularly on sticky soils – crushed into small aggregates to avoid the formation of clods in the potato beds. Conservation Agriculture (CA) a resource-saving crop production system offers several useful techniques for soil conservation in potato production. It is based on three principles: 1) Minimum soil disturbance; 2) Permanent soil surface cover with crop residues and cover crops which helps to reduce soil erosion; and 3) Crop rotations that include diverse species such as use of legumes which are able to fix nitrogen as well as trees which have the potential to add soil fertility and improve soil structure. By minimizing soil disturbance, CA creates a vertical macro-pore structure in the soil, which facilitates the infiltration of excess rainwater and its retention into the subsoil, improves the aeration of deeper soil layers and facilitates root penetration. It also contributes to excess carbon removal through buildup of soil organic matter and reduced soil disturbance. CA is therefore an approach that can sustainably manage agro-ecosystems for improved and sustained productivity, increased profits and food security while

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