Panelists during the launch of the Irish Potato (2019) Regulations during the annual potato
The Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), NPCK and other stakeholders, who included representatives from the major potato producing county governments such as Nyandarua, Elgeyo Marakwet, Meru, Nyeri, Trans Nzoia and Taita Taveta, convened a virtual meeting on 22nd July 2020 to discuss the challenges hindering full implementation of the Irish Potatoes (2019) Regulations. The regulations were developed to address among other issues quality standards in production, transportation, storage and marketing. The challenges raised included disjointed implementation efforts between potato producing and potato buying counties (major markets like Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu), non-enforcement of the regulations at border points and delay in training and gazettement of crop inspectors. The members present agreed to address the challenges by adopting a coordinated approach in implementation, developing supportive structures such as warehouses and collection centers, involving the major potato buying counties, fast tracking training and gazettement of the crop inspectors among others.