Low potato productivity is mainly attributed to poor accessibility of appropriate inputs and services while low quality potatoes is majorly caused by poor pre- and post-harvest management practices among potato farmers. To address this, NPCK is supporting farmer groups/cooperatives in procuring farm inputs and services collectively as well as link them to identified potato market outlets. By ordering inputs collectively, the large volumes enable the suppliers to avail the inputs to the farmers in their locality cost effectively. With aggregated order, the groups also benefit from a higher bargaining power as opposed to individual purchase in the form of discounts.
NPCK held a planning meeting for collective procurement of inputs and market linkage with potato farmer in Nyandarua County on 24th July 2019 at Aberdare Range resort. In attendance were representatives of farmers groups, NPCK, County Government and IFDC. During the meeting, group representatives shared their information on their current projections on production quantities, harvesting dates, the next planting season, varieties grown among others for planning purposes. NPCK have engaged number off-takers who will contract and buy from farmers. Demand for seeds, fertilizer and services, insurance, mechanization for next season is being aggregated for early booking and delivery.
Participants of the planning meeting for collective procurement of potato farm inputs and potato market linkage in Nyandarua County.