Meru potato union committee members who participated in the training

Through the “RECLAIM SUSTAINABILITY!” (RS!) Food Products Project, NPCK, in collaboration with Solidaridad and the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK), conducted a capacity-building workshop for the Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in Meru County. The CSO, which is made up of various cooperatives under Meru Potato Union, was trained on key issues revolving around group governance all through to supportive regulatory policy framework. They were equipped with information including but not limited to; Finance management, group governance, Crops (Irish) potato regulation 2019, National potato strategy and county potato strategy. The participants were also sensitized about the CIDP (County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027) and were encouraged to present potato-related issues during the public participation. The CSO was also encouraged to participate in the annual county budgeting process so that the potato Industry is well articulated for enough budgetary allocation. The training was part of the project objectives, aimed at facilitating an inclusive dialogue, mobilizing participants, and equipping them with adequate information to enable them lobby and push for supportive policy development and effective policy implementation at the county level.


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