Cash Crop Conference 2022 participants at one of the big farms in Poland
Since 2014, the National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) has been a member of the Agri Benchmark’s global network. Agri Benchmark is a global, non-profit network of agricultural economists, advisors, producers, and specialists in key sectors of the agricultural and horticultural value chains. They collaborate with key partners in various countries to form a global network, collect data on typical farms, and provide unique farm-level data-based analysis of strategic issues for decision-makers in policy, agriculture, and agribusiness. NPCK being a member of the global network has been collecting and updating data on typical potato production in the country.
Since 2007, Agri Benchmark and its global network partners have been holding annual Cash Crop Conferences around the globe; see The Cash Crop Conference 2022 was held in Poland, Pozna, from 5th to 11th June 2022. Over 40 global network states were represented at the conference and Kenya was represented by the NPCK. During the conference, the results generated from global typical farm data were presented and partners had the opportunity to critique, suggest new topics, and make recommendations on future developments in global crop production, trade, and farm management. Furthermore, partners showcased their involvement in the global network and the benefits of being in the network. The program also included several farm visits in the host country, where participants had in-depth discussions with farm managers regarding crop production practices, crop patterns, farm management strategies, and post-harvest management and marketing.
The participants present at the conference were allowed to propose the country to host the next conference and Kenya was given the privilege. NPCK and its local partners are proud to host the Cash Crop Conference2023 in Kenya.