Agricultural Technology Development Center Meeting

A multi-slicer

The department of Agriculture Technology Development Centre (ATDC –Ruiru) which is under ministry of Agriculture, livestock and fisheries, organized for a meeting  with the NPCK on  30TH May 2019 in Ruiru. ATDC is a national station established for capacity building, promotion and adoption of appropriate tested and validated agricultural technologies used in value addition and farming systems.

The objective of the meeting was to showcase the agro-processing unit which focuses on ware potato research, development and value addition. The technologies include:

  • Multi-slicer: it is used for slicing ware potato for making french-fries into desired sizes and shapes. It’s operated electronically thereby saving on labour (cost minimization) and time.
  • Fryer: it is electrically operated, its where French fries or potato crisps are placed, fried at desired temperatures. The pros include: Quality products, oil at right temperatures, stainless and saves on time and labour.
  • Impulse sealer: Electrically operated, it’s for sealing purposes
  • Vacuum sealer: it flashes air inside the packing bags to avoid water damage as a result of accumulated air particles.
  • Potato peeler: It peels potato and operates electrically. Potato peeler only removes very thin layers and can hold a capacity of 5kg per session which takes less than 15 minutes.
  • Sun drier: It reduces moisture content to about 10% in potatoes that are to be grinded into flour. Potato flour can be used as an ingredient for soup thickener and even baking purposes.

Agriculture Technology Development Centres are open to the youth for a six months training. These technologies have ripple effect to the industry since they minimize post-harvest losses and thus improving farmer income, job creation to youths and contribute to food security.



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