Diversified Use of Apical Cuttings to Boost Potato Seed Systems

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Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email which contains information about joining the webinar

WPC Inc. Looks forward to interact with you during this initiative.

2020-05-05 16:00 2020-05-05 16:00 Africa/Nairobi Diversified Use of Apical Cuttings to Boost Potato Seed Systems

HOW TO REGISTER To register in advance for this webinar go to : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bkdRv0T9RqmoEsv-sVoOqg Following your registration, you will a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email which contains information about joining the webinar WPC Inc. Looks forward to interact with you during this initiative.
