A potato multi-stakeholder platform is an organization or a body created to act as an avenue for potato information sharing, to help address challenges and advocate for policy change in the potato value chain. The platform comprises of key players in the value chain both in the private and public sector. During the Global Potato Value Chain Working Group (GPVCWG) meeting held in Nairobi on 7th-9th May 2019, Nigeria and Cameroon identified formation of the platform in their countries as a major priority area and therefore requested that they be supported by National potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) to help them think through and handhold them in establishment and operationalization of the platform. This programme is supported by GIZ who are working in partnership with CIP.
In Nigeria, the platform was launched on 7th October 2019 while in Cameroon it was launched on 4th November 2019. In both countries the launch was preceded by bringing together key players in the value chain to discuss membership, governance structure, goals and objectives, possible sources of funding among other relevant issues of platform formation.
Launching of the potato multi stakeholder platform in Nigeria.